NAAC Action Committee:

The NAAC or National Assessment and Accreditation Council Action Committee has for itself the following:

Aims and Objectives:

  • To arrange for assessment and accreditation of the institute
  • To stimulate the academic environment for promotion of quality teaching-learning and research in the institute;
  • To encourage self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy and innovations within the institute;
  • To conduct and undertake quality-related research studies, consultancy, seminars, workshops and training programmes

Committee Members:

  1. Mr. Vuansanga Vanchhawng (Convener)
  2. Mrs. Hannah Lalnunpuii Khiangte, Dept of English
  3. Immanuel Lalramenkima, Dept of English
  4. P.C. Laltlanzuala, Dept of Computer Sciences
  5. Mr. H. Lalrinawma, Dept of Computer Sciences

Ongoing and Planned Activities:

  1. Conducting a close study of the norms and guidelines recommended by the UGC and NAAC for the progressive development of HATIM
  2. Working hand-in-hand with other committees like the IQAC, the Council Body, Board of Academics, Examination Moderation Board, etc in HATIM to assess and identify critical gaps/problem areas in the management of the academics and administrative affairs of HATIM and providing suggestions thereof.
  3. Analyzing and studying other colleges which have already been accredited by NAAC
  4. Analyzing and studying Self Study Report (SSR) of other colleges which have already been accredited by NAAC.
  5. Taking advice from experts in connection to NAAC accreditation
  6. Identifying and Creating a list of Follow-up Action Points to be undertaken within the Institute for continuous improvement and for attaining the best possible grade under NAAC accreditation.